Differentiating Spelling Lists
Returning to a self-contained classroom of 24 fourth graders brought plenty of challenges. How to differentiate for varying levels of spelling proficiency was one of the first things I needed to tackle. Locating spelling lists at different levels was the first task. There are actually a number of resources available. K12Reader had a list that suited my needs. This link is for 4th grade but there are lists available for other grade levels as well. This was great because I had students who needed both easier and more difficult lists. http://www.k12reader.com/fourth-grade-spelling-words/ These lists were easy to download and then add to my class Edmodo library. Edmodo is an awesome learning platform. With it, I created 3 groups the spelling sleuths, guru's, and spotlight. Every week I attach the appropriate list and send a link for students to copy their words. At first I used a simple voice recorder app with my cell phone to record the words and ...