Life or Debt
Finally, it is here! Some of my colleagues have been after me to write up the details of a simulation that I created last year for teaching financial literacy. Well, now that I have successfully defended my dissertation (yes - I am now Dr. Kaiser 😎), I finally had time to sit down and put it all together.
I will give you a brief overview and then you can go grab the PDF from my website.
The challenge is for students to end the school year "debt-free".
As the teacher, you are going to make this a difficult task - just like IRL (in real life).
There are 2 main costs for starting up this simulation.
1. Journals for every student. These can be composition notebooks, spirals, 3 ring binders, or just some paper in a folder.
2. Purchase the pro version of the Random Name Selector app.
Note: I do not receive anything for promoting this app. Other apps may work but this is the one I used and I thought it was well worth the upgrade fee.
I like to start the simulation during the first week of school. I try to choose certain days of the week and stick to it. For example: Friday is pay day. Monday is a life event. The 3rd Friday of the month is when mortgage and transportation costs are due. In the pictures you can see students tracking their income and expenses.
If you are interested in learning more and want to download this FREE unit, all you have to do is head over to my website. Scroll down the page and locate the "Life or Debt" simulation. If you decide to give it a try, I would really love some feedback.
Do you have questions you want answered? Please feel free to ask them in the comments.
Looking for more implementation tips after download the unit? Feel free to contact me directly using the contact form on my website.

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